Постройте альтернативные вопросы, используя данные утверждения. 1. He has a very interesting book, not his friend. 2. They are in Spain now, not in France. 3. My Dad reads newspapers in the evening, not in the morning. 4. Jane likes orange juice, not apple. 5. The box is light, not heavy. 6. I’ve got two children, not my friend. 7. We are sometimes late for classes, not often. 8. John makes few mistakes in his tests, not many. 9. Helen is their cousin, not their niece. 10. Robert is fond of reading, not his friends.

Есть ответ


1. Does he have a very interesting book or his friend?
2. Are they now in France or in Spain?
3. Is my dad reading newspapers in the evening or in the morning?
4. Does Jane like orange juice or apple juice?
5. Is the box light or heavy?
6. Am I have two children or my friend? *
7. Are we sometimes late for classes or often?
8. Does John make a few mistakes in the test or a many?
9. Is Elena their cousin or niece?
10. Does Robert like to read or his friends?

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