нужен пересказ, хелп A moral dilemma e text. arents) ults ne ...
нужен пересказ, хелп A moral dilemmae text.arents)ultsneLife is full of decisions, but some are more difficult thanothers. Sometimes we have to make a decision whereevery option seems like a bad one, and those are themost difficult of all.else'syouMarc and his sister Jasmine had important exams at schoolrecently. Marc studied hard, but he found the exams difficultand his results were poor. However, Jasmine's results weremuch better. Her parents were delighted and bought her anew computer as a' _. Marc was a bit__- he'd workedhard too - but he was pleased for his sister. However, a fewweeks later, Jasmine admitted to Marc that she had cheatedin the exams. She made him promise not to say anything.Marc was shocked and angry that Jasmine had__ everyone,particularly their parents. However, he knew that Jasminewould hate him if he broke his promise. In the end, althoughhe felt that it was completely , he decided to keep quiet.vDonceIn situations like this, the action that a person takes willdepend on their moral values. These are the principles thatmake us decide what are the right and wrong things to do.In the same way that people have different appearances andpersonalities, we have different moral_ A value that isextremely important to one person, such as honesty, mightnot be as important to another person. In Marc's situation,he faced a moral dilemma, but his moral values helped him tomake a decision. He strongly wanted Jasmine to face theof her actions, but he felt that breaking his sister's wouldbe even worse. Jasmine was lucky - other people might feelthat uncovering her dishonesty was the most important thing.
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