Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If a line is correct, put a tick (√) by it. If it has a word which should not be there, write the word at the end of the line. Working on a Ship It has always been my own ambition to travel, so when 1 I was offered a job on a cruise ship last winter, 2 I jumped out at the chance to fulfill my dream. 3 I was been told that the ship I would be working on 4 would be to sailing in the exotic waters of the Caribbean, 5 so I made it sure to pack plenty of light clothes. 6 However, when I arrived at the port of Southhampton, 7 where the ship would be leaving from, I discovered 8 from a one of my fellow employees that we would 9 actually be cruising in the freezing waters of the 10 English Channel, in between from the Channel Islands. 11 i had also been told that I would be supervising 12 the ship’s restaurant, but since as soon as we started 13 sailing I was ordered to start serving food to people! 14 By this time I knew about that I had been misled 15 about the job. There it was nothing I could do, except 16 wish that I had checked lot more carefully before taking it. 17

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