Задание 7. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами: 1. I’ll have to borrow 10 pounds from Nick. Who ..................................................................................... ? 2. There are a lot of words of French origin in English. Why .................................................................... ? 3. I think he’s at home now. Where .......................................................................................................... ? 4. The British national flag is called Union Jack. What .............................................................................. ? 5. The weather was nasty yesterday. What .............................................................................................. ?

Есть ответ


1. Who will you have to borrow 10 pounds from?
2. Why are there a lot of words of French origin in English?
3. Where do you think he is now?
4. What is the British national flag called? (What is the name of the British national flag?)
5. What was the weather like yesterday?

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