ДАМ 30 БАЛЛОВ , АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 1. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition 1 Do you (get)... well with your classmates ? 2 The police officer (went...) the bank robber 3 J..K Rowling (brought)... the new Harry Potter book last month 4 Our school trip was (put) ... until next week №2 Complete the sentences with words derived from the words in bold 1 Parking in front of the hospital get is ... (legal) 2Derek refused to .......... for his rude behavior . (apologe) 3 I............. fish. i dont like the way it smells. (like) 4 Our school trip was quite .............. (bore) №3 put the abjectives in the right form to complete the sentences/ 1)A: whos your ....(good) friend ? B: Jane. She is two years 2) .......... (young) that me and shes 3) .................... (sensible) person i know. 4) ... Harry is (popular) boy in the school/

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1. Do you get on well with your classmates?
2. The police officer went after the bank robber.
3. J. K. Rowling brought out the new Harry Potter book last month.
4. Our school trip was put back until next week.
1. Parking in front of the hospital get is ilegal
2. Derek refused to apology for his rude behavior . (не уверена)
3. J. K. Rowling brought out the new Harry Potter book last month.

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