A. Why are you looking out of the window?B. I think there's _____ in the house opposite.2.     A. Are you going _____ this summer?B. We haven't decided yet. 3.    A. I'm so bored. There isn't ______ to do in this town!B That's not true. There are lots of things to do. 4.    A. I phoned your office at 2.00 today, but _______ answered.B. Sorry. We were all at lunch.5.     A. Where did you go last night?B .I didn't go _______ . I was too tired. I stayed in.6.     A.____ told me that their new album is very good.7.    B. Really? I don't know _____ who likes it.    8.    A. Did you buy _____ this afternoon?B. No, I  found _____ that I liked.9.    Have you read ______ on this topic?10.    A. Where are the keys?B They're ____ in the kitchen.:)​

Есть ответ


1 something interesting
2 anywhere
3 anything
4 nobody
5 anywhere
6 everybody
7 anybody
8 anything, nothing
9 anything
10 somewhere

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