Даю 30 балов. Составить 10 вопросов к предложению. Срочно!!!! Очень надо!!! My friends are meeting their relatives at the station now.

Есть ответ


1 Are my friends meeting their relatives at the station now.?
2 Are my friends meeting their relatives or friends at the station now?
3 Who is meeting their relatives at the station now?
4 What are my friends doing at the station?
5 Who are my friends meeting at the station now?
6 Whose relatives are my friends meeting at the station now?
7 Where are my friends meeting their relatives?
8 When are my friends meeting their relatives at the station?
9 My friends are meeting their relatives at the station now, aren't they?
10 My friends aren't meeting their relatives at the station now,are they?

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