Grammar used to & would; be used to & get used to (A Complete the dialogues with one word in each gap. 1 A: I have to get to my new diet. What about you? B: Oh, no problems. I — used to it now. 2 A: Did you – to drink coffee when you were younger? B: No, 3 A: We always go fishing on Sundays when I was young. B: Really? We didn't use - do anything. 4 A: How's the new job? Are you – _ to working at night now B: Well, I'm used to it, I suppose. not! (Нужно сделать А,срочно даю 15 баллов)

Есть ответ


B: Oh, no problems. I am used to it now.
2 A: Did you use to drink coffee when you were younger?
3 A: We always used to go fishing on Sundays when I was young.
B: Really? We didn't use to do anything.
4 A: How's the new job? Are you used to working at night now?
B: Well, I'm am used to it, I suppose.

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