Даю 49 балов!!!Помогите составить предложения из слов: 1.to prepare, Howard, last Tuesday, for exam,wasn't able 2.their compositions, at the next, will be able, the pupils, to discuss, lesson. 3. to the ballet, we, next sunday, will , be able, at the theatre,to go. 4. they,to move,why,in a new flat, last week, weren't, able? 5. across the ocean, in a boat, they, will, be able, to s

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Howard wasn’t able to prepare for exam last Tuesday.
The pupils will be able to discuss their compositions at the next lesson.
We will be able to go to the ballet at the theatre next Sunday.
Why weren’t they able to move in a new flat last week ?
They will be able to sail in a boat across the ocean.

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