помогите сделать заданиеComplete the sentences with (in order) to or because. NB: Use to / in order (not) to + Infinitive to talk about the purpose of an action. Use because + subject + predicate (Clause) - to talk about the cause. Model: You need to work hard (in order) to pass your exam. You don’t need to worry because you know the subject very well. 1.You should leave earlier next time not … late for your lessons. 2. Sonars are intended mainly … submarines or other subsurface objects. 3. Radars are not usually installed on submarines … they cannot “see” at depth. 4. I want to buy this small car … to my country house. 5. I think you should buy this car … it’s cheap and easy to repair. 6. What are you doing? – We are installing a new fixed fire extinguisher installation … possible fires in machinery spaces and hangar decks. 7. Why are you late? - … we’ve been stuck in a traffic jam. NB! Use the following infinitives: to fight, to go, to detect, to be.

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1.You should leave earlier next time not to be late for your lessons.
2. Sonars are intended mainly to detect submarines or other subsurface objects.
3. Radars are not usually installed on submarines because they cannot “see” at depth.
4. I want to buy this small car (in order) to go to my country house.
5. I think you should buy this car because it’s cheap and easy to repair.
6. What are you doing? – We are installing a new fixed fire extinguisher installation (in order) to fight possible fires in machinery spaces and hangar decks.
7. Why are you late? - Because we’ve been stuck in a traffic jam.

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