Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в Past Simple. 1.He (leave) the house, (take) a bus and (go) to the college at 7.20 a.m yesterday. 2. My mother (study) at Medical College. 3. Steve (sit ) in front of the TV set. Mother (call) to her from the kitchen. Steve (turn) off the television and (stand) up. He ( be) angry and he (walk) into kitchen. 4. I (buy) some cheese, butter, bananas, oranges and ice-cream two days ago. 5. Did you (go) to Sport Master last Sunday? 6. I didn’t (study) at the University.

Есть ответ


1.He left the house, took a bus and went to the college at 7.20 a.m.  yesterday.
2. My mother studied at Medical College.
3. Steve sat in front of the TV set. Mother called him from the kitchen. Steve turned off the television and stood up. He was angry and he walked into kitchen.
4. I bought some cheese, butter, bananas, oranges and ice-cream two days ago.
5. Did you go to Sport Master last Sunday?
6. I didn’t study at the University.

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