помогите с английским пожалуйстааа Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в форме Present Perfect,Present Continuous,Present Simple и Past Simple. 1. Where (to be) my gloves? I (to look) for them. 2. Wno can give him a pencil,he ( to break) his. 3. Where your sister (to be)? She just (to go) to school. She (to leave) home ten minutes ago. 4. When she (to return) to Kyiv?- she (to return)this week. 5. What you(to read) now?- I (to read) "White Fang". You ever (to read) this book? 6. You ( to remember) me? We (to meet) here this month. 7 . They already(to discuss) this question?- Yes, they (to discuss) it last week. 8. Where mother (to put) my magazines? I (to look) it now.

Есть ответ


1. Where are my gloves? I am looking for them.
2. Who can give him a pencil? He has broken his.
3. Where is your sister? - She has just gone to school. She left home ten minutes ago.
4. When is she returning to Kyiv?- She is returning this week.
5. What are you reading now?- I am reading "White Fang". Have you ever read this book?
6. Do you remember me? We have met here this month.
7. Have they already discussed this question?- Yes, they discussed it last week.
8. Where has mother put my magazine? I am looking for it now.

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