Задайте общие вопросы испециальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.1. In addition to producing gas this region produced (gold) as well.2. The amount of oil produced depends on (the recovery method used)3. Pipes (from cold-resistant grades of steel) will not be affected by temperaturesof 50°-60° below zero.4. The oil field has always been of (economic) significance.5. One can choose the most accurate method only by (comparing it with others.)

Есть ответ


1. Did this region produce gold as well in addition to producing gas?-Общий
What did this region produce as well in addition to producing gas?-Специальный

2. Does the amount of oil produced depend on the recovery method used? -О
What does the amount of oil produced depend on?-С

3. Will pipes from cold-resistant grades of steel be affected by temperatures of 50°-60° below zero?-О
What pipes will not be affected by temperatures of 50°-60° below zero?-С  
4. Has the oil field always been of economic significance?-О
What significance has the oil field always been of? - C

5. Can one choose the most accurate method only by comparing it with others?-О
Only by what can one choose the most accurate method?- C  

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