Dear Graham, I’m sorry to say that we (1) are having (have) a disastrous holiday! To start with, the plane (2) … (delay) for six hours, so we (3)… (not arrive) until 3.00 a.m. Fortunately the courier (4)… still…(wait) to meet us, but when we got to the hotel, we found, they (5)… (double-book) our room! So now we (6) stay in another hotel, which, believe it or not, still (7) … (build)! This means we (8) … (wake up) every morning by the workmen. Why (9) … it always… (happen) to us? It’s not a very good hotel, either. The shower (10) …(not work), and yesterday, when we (11) … (get) ready for dinner, the water supply (12) … (cut off). I complanied to the manager,but he (13) … (not seem) very interested and, of course, he (14) … (not do) anything about it yet. He has a typical “let’s wait until tomorrow” attitude. (15) … you…(know) what I mean? The weather (16) … (be) pretty awful since we got here. Last Saturday we(17)… (take) a train to the capital.(18) … you ever… (be) there? There’s nothing much to see, and when we arrived we (19) … (find) Angela (20) … (forget) the traveller’scheques, so we (21) … (not speak) to each other for the rest of the day!

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Dear Graham,
I’m sorry to say that we (1) are having (have) a disastrous holiday! To start with, the plane (2) … (was delayed) for six hours, so we (3)… (did not arrive) until 3.00 a.m. Fortunately the courier (4) was still…(waiting) to meet us, but when we got to the hotel, we found, they (5)… (had double-booked) our room! So now we (6) are staying in another hotel, which, believe it or not, is still (7) being (built)! This means we (8) … (are woken up) every morning by the workmen. Why (9) does it always… (happen) to us? It’s not a very good hotel, either. The shower (10) …(does not work), and yesterday, when we (11) … (were getting) ready for dinner, the water supply (12) … (was cut off). I complanied to the manager, but he (13) … (did not seem) very interested and, of course, he (14) … (has not done) anything about it yet. He has a typical “let’s wait until tomorrow” attitude. (15) Do you…(know) what I mean? The weather (16) … (has been) pretty awful since we got here. Last Saturday we(17)… (took) a train to the capital. (18) Have you ever… (been) there? There’s nothing much to see, and when we arrived we (19) … (found) Angela (20) … (had forgotten) the traveller’scheques, so we (21) … (did not speak) to each other for the rest of the day!

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