Read and complete. Use the comparative or the superlative. Then do the quiz and check your answers. QUIZ OF THE WEEK! Circle the correct answer and brush up your Geography! 1) The Atlantic ocean is DEEPER THAN (deep) the Pacific Ocean.-образец. 2) The Nile is .......... (long) river in the wold. 3) New York is .......... (large) city in the world. 4) Mt Everest is ............ (high) mountain in the world. 5) Norway is .............. (cold) Egypt. 6) The Pacific Ocean is ............ (big) in the world. 7) The Mississippi is .............. (long) the Amazon. 8) Mt. Kilimanjaro is ................. (high) Mt. Everest. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ЕЩЕ И ПЕРЕВЕСТИ!!!!!

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2. the longest
3. the largest
4. the highest
5.colder than
6.the biggest
7.longer than
8.higher than

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