Match the words with their definitions. 1. adventure 2. achievement 3. continent 4. pole 5. peak a. the top of a mountain b. a fun, exciting, but dangerous thing to do c. the top or bottom of the world d. finishing something successfully e. a large piece of land: There are seven in the world. B. 1. goal 2. record 3. Eartha 4. challenge 5. extra a. the world b. more c. something you want to do d. a difficult thing to do e. write down information Please help!!

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1. adventure - b. a fun, exciting, but dangerous thing to do
2. achievement - d. finishing something successfully
3. continent - e. a large piece of land: There are seven in the world.
4. pole - c. the top or bottom of the world
5. peak - a. the top of a mountain
1. goal - c. something you want to do
2. record - e. write down information
3. Earth - a. the world
4. challenge - d. a difficult thing to do
5. extra - b. more

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