Correct the mistakes. 1. The dishes has been washed. 2. The letter are being opened every morning in the office. 3. Your homework must finished by Monday. 4. The woman seen taking the children to school. 5. Mike has been tell about the new job. 6. The cars stole from the car park. 7. The house is been decorated recently. 8. The center will visit by the King next month.

Есть ответ


1. The dishes have been washed.
2. The letter is being opened every morning in the office.
3. Your homework must be finished by Monday.

4. The woman was seen taking the children to school.
5. Mike has been told about the new job.
6. The cars was stolen from the car park.
7. The house has been decorated recently.
8. The center will be visited by the King next month.

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