ПОМОГИТЕ С АНГЛИЙСКИМ Перепишите рассказ в косвенной речи: ‘My name’s Vera, and I’m from Russia. I came over to England about seven years ago and I’ve been living in London since then. When I lived in Moscow, I was a journalist, but now I’m working for the BBC and I quite enjoy it. I’m not sure if I’ll go back now. I think I may, because I haven’t seen my family for a long time, and I know they want me to visit them.’ Начало: I met a very interesting woman the other day. She said that her name was Vera and that

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I met a very interesting woman the other day. She said that her name was Vera and that she was from Russia. She told me she had come over to England about seven years before and she had been living in London since then. She said that when she had lived in Moscow, she had been a journalist, but then she was working for the BBC and she quite enjoyed it. She said she was not sure at that time if she would go back. She thought she might, because she hadn’t seen her family for a long time, and she knew they wanted her to visit them.

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