George Crum was a cook at a hotel in the small town of Saratoga Springs, New York. One day in 1853 a customer (1)_________ because his fried potatoes were too thick. (to complain) Crum (2)_________ angry. (to get) In fact, he got so angry that he (3)_________ to cut some potatoes very, very thin. (to decide) When the waiter took the thin slices to the customer, Crum thought that the customer (4)_________. (to be angry) However, much to Crum's surprise, the stubborn customer liked the thin potato slices. These new thin slices caught on quickly and soon developed into a whole new business. Today Americans (5)_________ millions of dollars worth of potato chips every year. (to eat)

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George Crum was a cook at a hotel in the small town of Saratoga Springs, New York. One day in 1853 a customer complained because his fried potatoes were too thick. Crum got angry. In fact, he got so angry that he decided to cut some potatoes very, very thin. When the waiter took the thin slices to the customer, Crum thought that the customer would be angry. However, much to Crum's surprise, the stubborn customer liked the thin potato slices. These new thin slices caught on quickly and soon developed into a whole new business. Today Americans eat millions of dollars worth of potato chips every year.

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