Помогите пожалуйста Change the sentences using reported speech.1. Where are you going?-asked Tom.2. Where are you going to spend the holiday? - asked Mike.3. What will you do when you leave school? -said Jenifer.4. How did you know my name? - asked the doctor.5. Do you have an appointment? - said the clerk.6. Have you seen my car keys? - said Bernard to his wife.7. Why didn't Isabel call me? - asked her brother.8. Will you carry my briefcase for me please, James?-said Richard.9. When can I see the doctor?-Charles asked the receptionist.

Есть ответ


1 Tom asked where I was going.
2 Mike asked where I was going to spend the holiday.
3 Jennifer asked what I would do when I left school.
4 The doctor asked how I had known his name.
5 The clerk asked if I had an appointment.
6 Bernard asked his wife if she had seen his car keys.
7 Isabel's brother asked why she hadn't called him.
8 Richard asked James to carry his briefcase for him.
9 Charles asked the receptionist when he could see the doctor.

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