Complete the sentences with Future Simple, Present Simple, or Present Continuous for Future. 1. The train (will arrive / is arriving / arrive / arrives) at 11:00. 2. I (am gone / am going / is going / will) to call you tomorrow. 3. John (come / comes / is coming / was coming) to London next week. 4. When (do … flying / is … flying / does … flies / does … fly) the plane … ? 5. Mary (was / is going / go / will) to pass the am. 6. According to schedule the bus (will come / comes / come / came) in an hour. 7. (Is you going / You going / Are you going / Will you) to buy some fruit? 8. How many tickets (are he going / he going / is he going / he is going) to buy?

Есть ответ


1 arrives 2 will 3 is coming 4 When does the plane fly ..? 5 is going to pass am
6. comes 7 Are you going to buy... 8 is he going to buy

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