употребить соответствующий предлог где требуется 1. My friend goes ... ... sports and I am fond ... music.2. ... summer we spend much time .. the open.3. My brother stayed ... home ... the evening.4. Many people travel ... train.5. I was born ... the first ... October6. I study ... school.7. There is a sport ground ... our school.8. Our lessons begin ... nine o'clock ... the morning.9. We went ... home ... foot.10. They often go ... a walk ... the park.​

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1 my friend goes in for sports and I am fond of music.
2 in summer we spend much time in the open air.
3 my brother stayed at home in the evening.
4 many people travel by train.
5 I was born on the first of October.
6 I study at school.
7 there is a sport ground near our school.
8 our lessons begin at nine o'clock in the morning.
9 we went home on foot.
10 they often go for a walk to the park.

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