A Frenchman, who was going to travel in the USA (1) ___________ many tales about how difficult it is to get food and good service in the restaurants in America. (to hear) On his first day in the USA when he (2) ___________ his dinner he went from restaurant to restaurant but could not get a meal. (to want) It was the dinner hour and there (3) ___________ so many people in the restaurants that the waiters didn’t even want to talk to him. (to be) After some time, very tired and hungry, he (4) ___________ to a small eating place. (to come) To his surprise, a waiter (5) ___________ him at the door took him to one of the empty tables and asked: “What will the gentlemen order?” (to meet)

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A Frenchman, who was going to travel in the USA (1)  heard many tales about how difficult it is to get

food and good service in the restaurants in America.
On his first day in the USA when he (2) wanted  his dinner he went from restaurant to restaurant but

could not get a meal. It was the dinner hour and there (3) were so many people in the

restaurants that the waiters didn’t even want to talk to him.
After some time, very tired and hungry, he (4) came to a small eating place. To his surprise,

a waiter (5) met him at the door took him to one of the empty tables and asked: “What will the

gentlemen order?”

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