but some things arenish up our knowledge of the country. So...LET US REVIEWLook at the map on page 78 and say: a) what the main partsof Great Britain are; b) what their capitals are; c) what their sym-bols are.Choose the right item.1. The Union Jack is ...a) the flag of the UK c) the flag of Walesb) the flag of Scotland d) the flag of England2. The British Prime Minister lives at ...a) 12 Whitehallc) 7 Russel Streetb) 10 Downing Street d) 15 Oxford Street3. Whitehall isa) a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Par-liament:b) a big hall in the centre of London;​

Есть ответ


1. The Union Jack is ... a) the flag of the UK
2. The British Prime Minister lives at ... b) 10 Downing Street
3. Whitehall is ... a) a street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament:

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