Выберите правильный ответ 1. My driend ... from Tula 1) is 2) am 3) are 2.The students ... interested in computers 1) is 2) am 3) are 3. I ... a nice dog 1) have 2) am 3) has 4. My sister and I ... doctors 1) is 2) am 3) are 5. The children ... at the lesson. 1) are 2) am 3) have 6. Are ... fond of hard rock? 1) you 2) he 3) I 7. Alex ... up at 7 o`clock yesterday 1) gets 2) get 3) got 8. My brothet ... do morning exercises 1) doesn`t 2) am not 3) don`t 9. We ... often discuss new films 1) aren`t 2) don`t 3) isn`t 10 Children play football every day, ... ? 1) do they 2) don`t they 3) doesn`t he

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Выберите правильный ответ
1. My driend is from Tula 1) is
2.The students are interested in computers 3) are
3. I have a nice dog 1) have
4. My sister and I are doctors 3) are
5. The children are at the lesson. 1) are
6. Are you fond of hard rock? 1) you
7. Alex got up at 7 o`clock yesterday 3) got
8. My brothet doesn't do morning exercises 1) doesn`t
9. We don't often discuss new films 2) don`t
10 Children play football every day, don't they ? 2) don`t they 3)

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