Поставьте нужную форму глагола «to be» (is, am, are). 1. The dog….asleep. 2. Mr. Kellys daughter….six years old. 3. ….your mother at home? 4. My hands ….not very cold. 5. ….Canada a very big country. 6. …..I late? 7. ….your teachers good? 8. ….Ann British? 9. They….very good friends. 10. .….your house in the town center? 11. ….Peter a good football player? 12. He….twenty-one years old?

Есть ответ



1. The dog is asleep.
2. Mr. Kellys daughte is six years old.
3. Is your mother at home?
4. My hands are not very cold.
5. Is Canada a very big country.
6. Am I late?
7 are your teachers good?
8. Is Ann British?
9. They are very good friends.
10. Is your house in the town center?
11. Is Peter a good football player?
12. He is twenty-one years old?

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