Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box. Get up, go, wash, clean, comb, get, have, listen, take. share, play, watch, eat, drink, help, stay, return. begin, dress. 1. I ... at 7 o`clock. 2 I the bathroom and ... and ... my hair 3 I ... break fast with my brother 4 It takes me 10 minutes to ... to college 5 The lessons ... at 8.30

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Complete the sentences. Use the words from the box.

Get up, go, wash, clean, comb, get, have, listen, take. share, play, watch, eat, drink, help, stay, return. begin, dress.

1. I get up at 7 o`clock.
2 I go to the bathroom and comb my hair
3 I eat breakfast with my brother.
4 It takes me 10 minutes to get to college.
5 The lessons begin at 8.30.

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