Open the brackets using the right form of the verb. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1) I was very tired, so I (go) to bed early. 2) She just (have) lunch at the canteen. 3) We (graduate) from the institute in 3 years. 4) My mother (not/meet) her friend since 1995. 5) Please don’t make so much noise, I (work). 6) Everything (wake) up in spring. 7) There (be) some pillows on the sofa. 8) There (be) a little coffee-table in the middle of the room. 9) This church (be/built) by the famous architect in the fifteenth century.

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1. went
2. has
3. will graduate
4.  has not met
5. i am working
6. wakes up
7. there are
8. there is
9. was built

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