You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen Ben Cамо письмо: I’m very busy preparing for my school exams in Literature and History. To pass them successfully, I have to remember a lot. 
Вопросы к нему:What subjects have you chosen for your exams and why?...What type of exam do you prefer – oral or written? …How do you prepare for exams? Помогите пожалуйста оно должно вмещать в себя 100-120 слов, и иметь максимум 3 абзаца, буду очень благодарна:3333

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I have chosen biology for my exam. It is very interesting. I like biology very much. At this lesson I learn about plants and animals. I was very happy when I listened about exam three days ago. I came home and began repeated the whole biology textbook. It was very interesting. The next day I came to my school. We had written exam. It was good. I think that it is esier then oral. The exam wasn't very difficult. I also helped to my friends to write exam.

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