Reported the sentences in indirect speech Помогите перевести в косвенную речь 1 "My uncle and aunt dont know where I am" said Dorothy. 2 " They are terribly frightened" thought Dorothy. 3 "What is your name dear child?" asked the old woman. 4 "Where is the city?" asked dorothy. 5 "We cannot go with you", said the little men. 6 "I hope you will find the Wizard," said the Good Witch

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1 Dorothy said her uncle and aunt didn’t know where she was.
2 Dorothy thought they were terribly frightened.
3 The old woman wanted to know what her name was.
4 Dorothy wondered where the city was.
5 The little men said they couldn’t go with her.
6 The Good Witch said she hoped they would find the Wizard.

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