a typicalEnglish breakfast consists of 1)...... bowl of cereal a slice of toast,orange juise and a cup of cofee. A 2) .......... of children have a bowl of cereal.
Most children at school and people at work have a pasked lunch.3) .........consists of a sandwish, a pasket of crisps, fruit and a drink.
A typical English meal for dinner is meat vegetables.Vegetables like potatoes, carrot, peas. cabbages 4) .......... onions are very popular 5) ........ England.
Врианты ответов:
1 A) some, B) a, C) an
2 A) mush, B) many, C) lot
3 A) it, B) these, C) those
 4 A) and,B) or,C) but
 5 A) at,B)on,C) in

Есть ответ


1. b

2 c

3 a

4 a

5 in

добра тебе :_:

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