GRAMMAR3 Complete the sentences with the correctpreposition. Use each word once.1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the -ingform or infinitive.Example: She left without closing (close) the door.1 I love _ (walk) in the rain.2 Try not(spend) too much money.3 I need_ (buy) some new shoes.4(swim) is very good for you.5 I sent Tom an e-mail because I wanted(tell) him about the party.6 It isn't easy(learn) a language.7 He's very good at(talk) to new people.8 I don't really like(dance).along in over through into of aroundExample: He walked out of the house and never cameback.1 Go the bridge and take the first turning onthe left.2 She came the living room and sat down.3 You can't drive the Channel Tunnel, you haveto take your car on the train.4 They walked the street until they found a goodrestaurant.5 Come ! It's lovely to see you.6 We went for a long walk the lake.2 Underline the correct form.Grammar total20VOCABULARY4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.Example: You must don't have to tidy your room.It's a mess.1 You don't have to / mustn't swim there.It's dangerous.2 I have to / don't have to do my homework.It's Saturday.3 She must / mustn't practise the piano tonight.She's not very good.4 They have to / don't have to be home early. They'revery young.5 We mustn't/ don't have to buy tickets - entranceis free.Example: Do you enjoy reading?enjoy want think1 Mike's ___in fishinginterested excited happy2 Shea lot of time watching TV.has spends does3 I'dto go out this evening.mind think like6 You can't / must go to the party. It's too late.4 I'vedriving.talking to him.done stopped dreamed5 He doesn'twant mind good6 I'mof studying law.​

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1 loving
3 needing
4 swimming
5 telling
6 learning
7 talking
8 dancing

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