Сочинение на английском что можно добавить или изменить в школе.... только серьезное без того что бы учителя двойки тройки не ставили не орали и т.п. 

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First of all I think that pupils must have more practical lessons. They are lessons where pupils can use their knowledge. For example if you learn English we must have a chance to communicate with a foreigner - to talk to a real foreigner or to write a letter to a real person.

I think that every pupil must choose the subject he wants to learn. I don't think it is good when we learn so much.

I also think that pupils mustn’t have homework. Or the homework must be creative - make a project, paint a picture and so on.

All lessons must be creative. I think it helps all pupils to learn better.

Some lessons must be not at school but in the park or at museums. I think it is interesting.

I also think that we must use computer at every lesson. It will be useful for us in futire.



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