найти словосочетания с Present Perfect, Present Simple, Past Simple Surfing is such a great sport. I don't need much to be happy. The ocean?waves? sunny weather and riding a wave. Sometimes dolphins ride the waves with me and my friends. We feel safe when they're around. But every time I go into the water I'm so glad to be out. I am happy to be alive. Surfing makes me appreciate my life

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тут все в Pr. Simple

 Surfing is such a great sport. - Pr. S.

 I don't need much to be happy. -Pr.S

 Sometimes dolphins ride the waves with me and my friends. - Pr. S

We feel safe when they're around. But every time I go into the water I'm so glad to be out. I am happy to be alive. Surfing makes me appreciate my life - Pr. S. 

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