Помогите, очень нужно написать сочинение на 10-15 предложений на английском языке по такой теме:  Society today is noisier than ever. Think of the sources of noise that people find annoying and suggest ways the government could make our lives quieter.

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In general, the noise in the apartment is our problem. Now, many shouting, noisy evil. By law, the noise can be up to 23 hours. And just when the noise did not stop until 23.00 then call Rospotrebnadzor representative who will make noise measurements.If the noise level exceeds the legal limit - you can try to go to court. Is it possible to tighten the rules to push a new law but it is necessary to pay your city and then, and in vyshie instance. Some work six days a week. And coming home hotyatt relax but instead they can not relax because the neighbors party or guests. And if you podimetes to them and talk and not everyone will say that they can make noise 23.00. I think you need to seek a compromise with the neighbors. Or buy an apartment in a quiet area.

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