напишите в present simpl + ,- , ? ; past simple + , - , ? ; fiture simple + , - , ?.
we ( to go ) to the college every day.
I ( to translate ) a text yesterday.
помогите прошу вас.

Есть ответ


We go to the college everyday.

We don't go to the college everyday.

Do you go to the college everyday?


We went to the college yesterday.

We didn't go to the college yesterday.

Did you go to the college yesterday?


We will go to the college.

We won't go to the college.

Will you go to the college?


I translate a text.

I don't translate a text.

Do I(можно использовать you) translate a text?


I translated a text yesterday.

I didn't translate a text yesterday.

Did I(можно использовать you) translate a text yesterday?


I'll translate a text.

I won't translate a text.

Will I(можно использовать you) translate a text.

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