тест по грамматике английского языка прошу очень)17. She usually ________________ all materials herself.Выберите один ответ.types is typing will typetype 18. ________________ house is of modern design.Выберите один ответ.that’s these thosethis 19. They ________________ by 5 o'clock.Выберите один ответ.has returnedhave returned returned had returned 20. We shall discuss the results when we ________________ our experiments.Выберите один ответ.are finished finishesfinish will finish 21. What colour are ________________ pens?Выберите один ответ.those thus thisthat 22. When we came into the hall they ________________ this problem. Выберите один ответ.discussed have discussed are discussingwere discussing 23. Who can tell me where ________________?Выберите один ответ.my key was my key had beenmy key is is my key 24. I invited my friend to ________________ place. Выберите один ответ.mine me I my 25. The room is large but ________________ windows are not large.Выберите один ответ.their her its our 26. Show ________________ the plan of our work. Выберите один ответ.them their theirs they 27. The clothes are absolutely wet. I should dry ________________.Выберите один ответ.theirsthem it their 28. When ________________ you buy the new TV set? Выберите один ответ.did were are have 29. We wanted to know if they ________________ to the partyВыберите один ответ.come would come came have come30. The children promised to call their parents as soon as they ________________.Выберите один ответ.arrive would arrivewill arrive arrived 31. If it ________________ rain, we'll have the party outside.Выберите один ответ.won't didn'twouldn't doesn't 32. The news ________________ so shocking.Выберите один ответ.are have been was were33. I know that the news ________________ so amazing that you can’t believe it.Выберите один ответ.are is werehave been 34. Do you know when he ________________ ?Выберите один ответ.will come comewill comes shall come 35. I wonder where ________________ now.Выберите один ответ.was he he wasis he he is ​

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17 types
18 This
19 had returned
20 finish
21 those
22 were discussing
23 my key is
24 my
25 its
26 them
27 them
28 did
29 would come
30 arrived
31 doesn't
32 was
33 is
34 will come
35 he is

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