Fill in:some,any,much,many.
A: I"d like 1).......milk,please.
B: How 2) you want.
A: A glass,please. Have you got any crisps?
B: Of course.How 3)......packets do you want?
A:We need 1).....pizzasfor the party.
B:Good idea.How 2) we need for twelve people?
A:Four large ones.We need 3).........burgers too.
B:I think twelve are OK.Have we got 4)..........lemonade?
A:Yes,there"s 5) the fridge.
B:How 6)......bottles are there?

Есть ответ


A: I"d like some milk,please.

B: How much do you want.

A: A glass,please. Have you got any crisps?

B: Of course.How  many packets do you want?




A:We need some pizzas for the party.

B:Good idea.How many do we need for twelve people?

A:Four large ones.We need some burgers too.

B:I think twelve are OK. Have we got  any lemonade?

A:Yes, there"smuchin the fridge.

B:How many bottles are there?



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