Помогите, пожалуйста. Какие вопросы можно задать британцу (родом из Уэльса) преклонного возраста? Не личные. Например, "Is it true that in Wales there are four times more sheep than people?" или "I have heard that twenty percent of the population of Wales can speak Welsh. It's true?". Можно на русском языке. Заранее благодарю.

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Is it true that you need a passport to travel from England to Wales?
I have heard that the Welsh speak 2 languages:English and Welsh.Is it true?
Is it true that the English can easily understand Welsh?
I have heard that Mount Snowdon is the second highest mountain in Britain. Is it true?
Is it true that Prince Charles is the Prince of Wales?
I have heard that Wales is famous for its production of coal and steel.Is it true?
I have heard that Wales has over 600 castles.Is it really so?


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