87.1Write sentences about Liz and Ben. Use than 87.2 Complete the sentences. Use than

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3 Liz is taller than Ben.
4 Liz starts work earlier than Ben.
5 Ben works harder than Liz.
6 Ben has got more money that Liz.
7 Liz is a better driver than Ben.
8 Ben is more patient than Liz.
9 Ben is a better dancer than Liz.
10 Liz is more intelligent than Ben.
11 Liz speaks French better than Ben.
12 Ben goes to the cinema more than Liz.
2 You're older than her.
3 You work harder than me.
4 You watch TV more than him.
5 You're a better cook than me.
6 You know more people than we do.
7 You have got more money than them (than they have).
8 You can run faster than me.
9 You've been here longer than her.
10 You got up earlier than them.
11 You were more surprised than him.

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