Помогите пожалуйста. Задание: Вместо многоточия там где нужно вставьте предлоги. 1)Have you already bought a ticket ... London? The performance ... the theatre begins ... a quarter ... seven. And where are the tickets ... the play, ... the way& 2)How did you travel ... last summer?Did you go ... the mountains ... car or did you go ... foot? 3)Who will take part ... this work? I think many will because it is popular ... our pupils. 4)Where are our seats? I am pround ... them. They are ... the stalls. I am fond ... sitting ... the stalls as you can see ... the stage very well. Напишите предлоги через запятую. Например: 1) to, of, at,at.(это просто пример) Там где не нужны предлоги можно поставить знак -

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1)Have you already bought a ticket to London? The performance at the theatre begins at a quarter past/to seven. And where are the tickets for the play, by the way? 2)How did you travel last summer?Did you go to the mountains by car or did you go on foot? 3)Who will take part in this work? I think many will because it is popular with our pupils. 4)Where are our seats? I am proud of them. They are in the stalls. I am fond of sitting in the stalls as you can see the stage very well.

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