Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. Where is Jack? ..- He plays / is playing..- football in the park.What are you doing?... - I Watch / am waching-... a TV show.What foreign languages do you speak? ...- I speak / am speaking-... FrenchLook! Our puppy ...-sleeps / is sleeping-... in the hall.My granddad ...-reads / is reading-.. his newspaper every morning.Please call me later! We ...-have / are having-... a party.Помогите пожалуйста!

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 Where is Jack?- He  is playing football in the park.What are you doing?- I am waching a TV show.What foreign languages do you speak?- I am speaking- FrenchLook! Our puppy sleeps in the hall.My granddad reads  his newspaper every morning.Please call me later! We  are having a party.

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