Нужно вставить эти пропущенные слова в предложения (...). a)ambition. b)persistence. c)enthusiasm. d)confidence. e)focus. f)creativity g)discipline h)courage i)responsibility j)commitment 1. He has failed to demonstrate his ... to the project and had to resign. 2. All her actions have a very clear ... ; she always knows what she wants. 3. His ... for dealing with students has stayed strong throughout his 20-year-long teaching career. 4. Art, writing and acting are the professions that involve a great deal of ... . 5. Overall ... for the organisation of school-leaving exams lies mostly with the head teacher. 6. You should have more ... in your own abilities. 7. His ... was always to become a successful top manager. 8. It took him a great deal of ... to completely change his lifestyle at the age of 40. 9. Her ... in achieving her goal was eventually rewarded-she became a world-famous singer. 10. To get what you want ir life you should impose very strict ... on yourself.

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1 - j
2 - e
3 - c
4 - f
5 - i
6 - d
7 - a
8 - h
9 - b
10 - g

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