Выбрать слово подходящее по смыслу(из скобок)
2 Since it's getting late I suggest we it as it is and start working on it tomorrow. (allow, leave, let) 3 They won't...................................... you to enter unless you're a club member, (allow, leave, let) 4 I think I'll.................................... my hair grow long, (allow, leave, let) 5 I don't think she'll ever from the shock, (heal, improve, recover) 3 He's still ill but I think his condition will........................................................................ soon, (heal, improve, recover) 7 It will take a long time for his injuries to .completely. (heal, improve, recover) 8 He went for a holiday by the sea to help him from his illness, (heal, improve, recover)

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2 leave3 let 

4 let

5 recover

6 improve

7 heal

8 recover 

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