Помогите исправить ошибки, умоляю! 1. We didn`t felt sad. We were happy. 2. - What are you doing? - I am looking at my cap.I can`t find it. 3. "NO", said the king. He said it much times. 4. Mrs Jackson`s sons want to be the teachers. 5. What a nice food! Your sister is a wonderful cook, isn`t she? 6. He`s washed his car, isn`t he? 7. Money don`t grow on trees. 8. We didn`t have to buy many bread? 9. Do you go ro school by a bus? 10. I don`t understand a last word in the text? Буду глубоко признательна, только помогите!!!

Есть ответ


1. We didn`t feel sad. We were happy.

2. - What are you doing? - I am looking for my cap. I can`t find it.

3. "NO", said the king. He said it many times.

4. Mrs Jackson`s sons want to be teachers.

5. What  nice food! Your sister is a wonderful cook, isn`t she?

6. He`s washed his car, hasn`t he?

7. Money don`t grow in the trees.

8. We didn`t have to buy much bread. / Didn't we have to buy much bread?

9. Do you go to school by  bus?

10. I don`t understand the last word in the text. / Don't I understand the last word in the text?

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