Срочно, переведите упражнение 44 с русского на английский! Благодарю заранее

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Ответ:1.-how much money have you spent on this week? "I haven't counted. 2. the doctor just called and said that Anastasia was born baby boy . 3.-Who is taking a shower in the middle of the day? Is Peter, he didn't go to work today. 4. Fred does not smoke for 10 years. 5. this year we have not very much money. 6.-it will be a big party? How many people you invited? "We have not yet made a list. 7. This is what I always wanted. 8. do not be amazed, in the end she was always secretive. 9. Hollywood has always been attractive (to be a magnet) for talented people. 10. never in my life seen such a mess! 11. we will never forget what you have done for us. 12. I told you lately how much I love you? 13.-how long you've been in England and that you have a look? "We just arrived and saw a bus from London. 14. piece a. Christie "Mousetrap" has been going on for more than fifty years. 15. over the past few years, their relations have improved significantly.


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