Обоснуйте свой ответ за согласие или несогласие со следующими утверждениями.1) Путешествие это пустая трата времени (пустая трата времени)2) Вы можете изучать английский язык в Англии.

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Travelling is usefull, because you can improve your knowledge about the world, also you can learn a lot about culture of others countries.

Travelling is a waste of time, beacause you spend a lot of time to go everywhere,tickets are always expensive and if you travel without your family, you will miss.


If you teach English in England, you will know this language perfectly. You vill be able to communicate with people other nationalityYou will have good education.

If you teach English in England, you will not see your parents and friends. May be you will be alone and unhappy, because it need a lot of time to make new friends in other country

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