Стр.53 (упр 16)Раскройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в форме Present Continuous. 1.He(to read)a book now. 2.She (to do)her hom work. 3.My mother (to sit)at the table now. 4.I still (to write)a letter. 5.They (to play)football. 6.It (to snow)now. 7.She (to explain)a grammar rule. 8.We (to have)dinner now. 9.Who (to speak)with you? 10.It still (to rain). 11.Why you (to talk)? 12.They (to eat)soup. 13.The girl (to draw) a picture. 14.My son (to swim) to the shore. 15.Her daughter (to play)chess at the moment. Упр.17.Образуйте отрицательную и вопросительную форму предложений.
1.She is watching television at the moment. 2.They are playing football now. 3.My sister is writing a letter. 4.We are listening to the stereo. 5.They are talking to my friend. 6.Mary is sleeping. 7.You are listening to the radio. 8.He is having breakfast at the moment. 9.They are working now. 10.I am studying. 11.You are eating. 12.We are drinking coffee. 13.Michael is holding a book in his hand. 14.His friends are playing volley-ball. 15.I am planting trees.

Есть ответ


1Не is reading a book now.2. She is doing her home work.3. My mother is sitting at the table now.4. I'm still writing a letter.5. They are playing football.6. It is snowing now.7. We are having dinner now.8. It is still raining .9. Why are you talking?10. The girl is drawing a picture at the moment.

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