Пожалуйста помогите это на завтра)) кто зделает ВСЕ ЗАДАНИЯ тот ответ отмечу как лучший))))Зарание спасибо))))
Write sentences with have to, affirmative (+) and negative (-). Use the promts below.
1) Jack / do the washing (-) (пример) Jack doesn't have to do the washing.
2) Sue and Jenny / walk to school (+)
3) Karen / do a lot of homework (-)
4) my dad / get up early (+)
5) my grandparents / work (-)
6) their mum / cook dinner every night (+)
Задание 3
Write questions and short answers using the prompts from exercise 2
1) Does Jack have to do the wathing? No. he doesnt.(пример)

Есть ответ



2) Sue and Jenny have to walk to school

3) Karen doesn't have to do a lot of homework

4) my dad has to get up early 

5) my grandparents don't have to work

6) their mum has to cook dinner every night 

Задание 3

2)Do Sue and Jenny have to walk to school?Yes,they do

3)Does Karen have to do a lot of homework? No,she doesn't

4)Does my dad have to get up early?Yes,he does

5)Do my grandparents have to work?No,they don't

6)Does their mum have to cook dinner every night ?Yes,she does

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