Помогите!!! Сделать глаголы в скобках в сослагательном наклонении 2-го типа в прошедшем времени. 1. She (pass) her exams next month if she (work) hard. 2. If I (be) you, I (apologise). 3. If I (know) his e-mail, I (send) him a birthday greeting. 4. If I (be) to swim, we (can) go canoeing. 5. She (be happy) if her friend (phone) her tomorrow. 6. He (work) as a waiter next summer if they (take) him.

Есть ответ


 1. She would be able to  pass her exams next month if she works hard. 2. If I were you, I would apologise. 3. If I knew his e-mail, I  would send him a birthday greeting. 4. If I were able to swim, we could go canoeing. 5. She  would be happy if her friend phones her tomorrow. 6. He would work as a waiter next summer if they take him.


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